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发布者:admin  发布时间:2012-6-4 8:05:18  点击:3145
汽油泄漏居民被紧接到报警后,汽油罐全椒县公安局古河派出所等救援单位立即赶到现场抢险。经查,该加油站的储油区地势较低,恰巧排水通道受阻,雨水大量屯积于地下,致使储油罐浮起将一米多高的浮土挤破。泄漏出来的汽油挥发,现场弥漫着浓烈为了防止泄漏的汽油爆燃,救援人员分两组展开抢险。一组救援人员深入周围居民家中,转移群众并切断周围电源,*限度减少油层与明火的接触,防止爆燃的发生。另一组救援人员深入积水达1米多深的油罐区,小心翼翼地把绳索套到罐体上,慢慢将油罐拉正位置,阻止汽油继续泄漏。经过4个多小时的紧急救援,民警在周围群众的协助下,利用水的浮力,终于将罐体拉正。油罐的泄油口由下向上翻转,油罐恢复原状,漏油情况得到控制,险情被成功排未雨绸缪”竟坏了事据介绍,这个直径近2米、长近5米的油罐储油达7吨。加油站负责人之前也考虑到因为降雨积水出现状况,当天下午他们用运输车辆将罐体内3吨汽油转记者请教专业人士得知,因为降水丰沛,在江淮地区建加油站,积水导致罐体出现问题是常有的事。专家称,如果没有将3吨汽油事先转移,7吨汽油加上罐体自重应该超过积水产生的浮力,也就不会发生罐体破土而出的险情。(中译英)Gasoline leak residents were immediately to the alarm, Quanjiao County Public Security Bureau police station and other ancient river rescue units immediately rushed to the rescue scene. After the gas station, oil storage area of low-lying, coincidentally drainage channel suffocate suffocate, rainwater accumulation in large underground storage tanks, the float will one-meter high air break. Leak out of the evaporation of gasoline, the scene is permeated with full-bodied in order to prevent the leakage of gas deflagration, rescue personnel were divided into two groups to launch rescue. A rescue team into the surrounding residents of the home, the transfer of mass and cut off the peripheral power supply, minimizing the formation and fire exposure, to prevent the occurrence of knocking. Another group of rescue workers deep water up to 1 meters deep in oil tank area with great care, the rope to the tank, the tank slowly pull position, prevent gas leak. After more than 4 hours of emergency rescue, police in the surrounding masses assistance, using water buoyancy, finally the tank pull. Tank drain tank from bottom to top flip, restitution, leak control, the danger was successfully row save" unexpectedly bad trouble according to the introduction, the diameter of nearly 2meters, about 5 meters long and7 tons of oil storage. Gas station person in charge before also taking into account because of rain water condition, on the afternoon of the same day they transport vehicles will be3tons of gasoline in the tank to the reporter ask professionals that, because of abundant rainfall in Jianghuai area, built gas station, resulting in the tank water problem is the common matter. Experts say, if not the3tons of gasoline prior to transfer,7tons of gasoline and the self weight of the tank body should exceed the water generated by buoyancy, also won't happen tank staged danger.(图/文http://www.wxfengli.com/